Why You Need an Updated Eye Exam for New Glasses

It’s a common misconception that you don’t require a full eye exam when simply needing an updated prescription for a new pair of glasses. But the optometrist provides important screening that goes beyond measuring just your refractive error. Here are a few key reasons why it’s essential to schedule an exam even for routine replacement…

Headaches and eye trouble

Headaches and Eye Trouble: Is There a Connection?

Headaches and eye trouble, are seemingly separate afflictions, yet so often they seem to go hand-in-hand. Have you ever found yourself squinting at your phone, only to be rewarded with a throbbing in your temples, or woken up with a dull ache behind your eyes after a night of binge-watching? If so, you’re not alone.…

Signs of Cataracts

Early Signs of Cataracts

Cataracts occur when the eye lens becomes cloudy, affecting around 65.2 million people globally. According to the World Health Organization, 80% of cases lead to moderate to severe blindness, Advanced Cataract Surgery, offers a viable solution. Early detection is key. Who’s at Risk: Cataracts can impact anyone, but those over 40, particularly after 60, are…

Navigating sudden changes in vision

Sudden Vision Changes: Causes and How to Navigate Them

Vision, a cornerstone of our daily lives, is often taken for granted until unexpected changes occur. Sudden vision changes can be alarming, but understanding the potential causes and how to address them is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore common reasons for sudden vision changes and provide essential tips on how to deal with them.…

EyeCare Hospital and Opticals

EyeCare Hospital Achieves Dual ISO Certification

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone at EyeCare Hospital and Opticals – the attainment of dual certification for ISO 9001 and ISO 45001. This achievement reaffirms our unwavering commitment to delivering unmatched quality and ensuring workplace safety within the eye care industry. ISO 9001, the globally recognized standard for quality management systems, underscores…

first time wearer

First time wearing glasses? What you should expect!

Choosing your first pair of eyeglasses can be both thrilling and overwhelming. The options, from frame styles to lens coatings, may seem difficult, but we have a comprehensive guide and a team ready to assist you in making this an easy process for you. Upon choosing your comfortable glasses, for first-time wearers, it’s vital to…

eye exams, eye checkup

Why regular eye exams are crucial: Safeguarding Your Vision

When was the last time you prioritized your vision with a thorough eye examination? In this blog post, we delve into the significance of regular eye exams, shedding light on a common tendency to schedule them only when issues arise. Uncover the truth about how routine eye check-ups are fundamental for maintaining optimal eye health.…

eye checkup

Benefits of having regular eye checkups and why it’s important

Introduction: In the hustle and bustle of our daily livеs, it’s еasy to ovеrlook thе importancе of rеgular еyе chеckups.  Aftеr all, whеn everything sееms finе, it’s tеmpting to assumе that our vision is in top-notch condition.  Howеvеr, thе truth is, maintaining good vision goеs beyond just sееing clеarly. Rеgular еyе chеckups play a crucial role…

ސްކޫލް ޗުއްޓީ ސޭލް!

ފްރޭމް، އަވިއައިނު، އަދި ކޮންޓެކްޓް ލެންސް ބައްލަވައިގަންނަ ކަސްޓަމަރުންނަށް %30 ގެ ޑިސްކައުންޓެއް ލިބިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެއެވެ. އަދި ފްރޭމާއި ލެންސް އެކީ ނަންގަވާނަމަ ދެވަނަ ފްރޭމެއް ނުވަތަ ނަންބަރު އަވިއައިނެއް ބައްލަވައިގަތުމަށް ހޮވާލެވިފައިވާ ވަކި ބްރޭންޑް ތަކަކުން %50 ގެ ޑިސްކައުންޓެއް ލިބިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެއެވެ.   ޑިސެމްބަރު 15، 2023 ން ފެށިގެން ޖަނަވަރީ 12، 2024 ގެ ނިޔަލަށް އައިކެއަރ އޮޕްޓިކަލްސްގެ ހުރިހާ ފިހާރައެއްގައިވެސް މިޕްރޮމޯޝަން ކުރިއަށްދާނެއެވެ.   ޝަރުތުތަށް: 50% ގެ ޑިސްކައުންޓް ލިބޭނީ ހަމައެކަނި ހޮވާލެވިފައިވާ…