
It’s a common misconception that you don’t require a full eye exam when simply needing an updated prescription for a new pair of glasses. But the optometrist provides important screening that goes beyond measuring just your refractive error.

Here are a few key reasons why it’s essential to schedule an exam even for routine replacement glasses:

Detect Early Signs of Disease

Thorough testing monitors internal eye health factors like pressure, retinal function and macula condition. Exams catch problems in earliest, most treatable stages.

Monitor for Progression

Near and far prescriptions tend to fluctuate over time. An exam determines proper updated corrections for clearest vision. 

Screen for Systemic health

Exams can detect early diabetes, high blood pressure and other systemic issues. Your vision is worth protecting.

Update Medical History

Factors like medications, past injuries or surgeries are important to review for your record and referral elsewhere if needed.

Catch Residual Issues

Sometimes underlying astigmatism, focusing difficulties or other conditions remain even after refractive correction. Exams identify complete diagnoses.

Stay Informed:

Doctors detect emerging eyestrain issues from digital devices or provide timeliest information on new treatments to maintain optimal sight long-term.

It’s recommended to consult at least yearly once, even with no outward symptoms, especially as you age. A comprehensive exam gives your new prescription the best chance of clear, comfortable vision success while monitoring health. Your sight is far too valuable not to care for properly.