ސްކޫލް ޗުއްޓީ ސޭލް!

ފްރޭމް، އަވިއައިނު، އަދި ކޮންޓެކްޓް ލެންސް ބައްލަވައިގަންނަ ކަސްޓަމަރުންނަށް %20 ގެ ޑިސްކައުންޓެއް ލިބިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެއެވެ. އަދި ފްރޭމާއި ލެންސް އެކީ ނަންގަވާނަމަ ދެވަނަ ފްރޭމެއް ނުވަތަ ނަންބަރު އަވިއައިނެއް ބައްލަވައިގަތުމަށް ހޮވާލެވިފައިވާ ވަކި ބްރޭންޑް ތަކަކުން  %50 ގެ ޑިސްކައުންޓެއް ލިބިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެއެވެ.   އޮކްޓޯބަރު 10ން ފެށިގެން އޮކްޓޯބަރު 21 ގެ ނިޔަލަށް އައިކެއަރ އޮޕްޓިކަލްސްގެ ހުރިހާ ފިހާރައެއްގައިވެސް މިޕްރޮމޯޝަން ކުރިއަށްދާނެއެވެ.   ޝަރުތުތަށް: 50% ގެ ޑިސްކައުންޓް ލިބޭނީ ހަމައެކަނި ހޮވާލެވިފައިވާ ވަކި ބްރޭންޑްތަކުނުންނެވެ. މި…

Prioritize your health while you work from home

In today’s scenario, where flexibility is key, remote work offers advantages and challenges. While working from home is comfortable and enhances productivity, it can also lead to issues like eyestrain and poor posture due to the informal setting. Balancing these aspects is crucial as we adapt to new work styles and prioritize our well-being. Keep…

Introducing the Ray-Ban Reverse Collection

We are thrilled to introduce the latest addition to our eyewear portfolio – the Ray-Ban Reverse Collection. Renowned as a pioneer in the world of sunglasses, Ray-Ban has once again pushed the boundaries of style and functionality with this groundbreaking collection. The Reverse Collection boasts a unique feature that sets it apart from the rest…

A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Glasses

Your eyeglasses are not just an accessory but a part of your everyday ensemble. They should be a reflection of your personality, enhance your best features, and seamlessly integrate with your overall look. While this might sound like a daunting task, we can simplify the process to help you find a pair that both looks…

EyeCare Partners with MNU Business School to Support Futsal Teams

EyeCare has partnered with the Maldives National University Business School (MNUBS) to sponsor their men’s and women’s futsal teams in the highly anticipated MNU Student Unions Futsal Fiesta 2023. The jersey awarding ceremony, held on September 21, 2023, at the MNU Business School campus, saw Vice Chancellor Dr. Mohamed Shareef presiding as the Chief guest.…

Eye Center Partnership Announcement

We are delighted to announce a significant milestone in our journey – the establishment of a groundbreaking Eye Centre in partnership with Urbanco. This cutting-edge facility will redefine ophthalmology services, introducing a comprehensive range of offerings to the residents of Hulhumale’. At the heart of our Eye Centre will be a state-of-the-art optical showroom, designed…

National Day Promotion!

Celebrate National Day with unbeatable savings at our store! Get ready to upgrade your style with a fantastic 20% discount on frames, sunglasses, contact lenses and accessories. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to both protect your eyes and elevate your fashion game while saving big. Visit us today and make the most of…

އުމުރުން ދުވަސްވުމާއި ލޮލުގެ ދުޅަހެޔޮ ސިއްހަތު

މި ސެޕްޓެމްބަރު މަހު ދުނިޔޭގައި ‘ހެލްތީ އެޖިންގ’ މަސް ފާހަގަކުރާއިރު، މުސްކުޅި އާބާދީއަށް ކުރިމަތިވާ ބައެއް ގޮންޖެހުންތައް ފާހަގަކޮށްލަމާ ހިނގާށެވެ. ސިއްހީ ދުޅަހެޔޮކަމުގެ އެކި ކަންކަމުގެ ތެރެއިން ލޮލުގެ ސިއްހަތަކީ މުހިންމު ކަންބޮޑުވުމެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ބެލެވޭ ކަމެކެވެ. ލޮލުގެ ފެނުމަކީ ދިރިއުޅުމުގެ ފެންވަރާއި، ސިއްހަތު ދެނެގަތުމަށް ވަރަށް މުހިންމު އެއް ހިއްސުވެސްމެއެވެ. އުމުރުން ދުވަސްވީ މީހުންނަށް ލޮލުގެ ފެނުމަކީ ދުވަހުން ދުވަހަށް ކުރާ ކަންކަމާއި، އެހެން މީހުންނާ ގުޅުން ބަދަހިކުރުމާއި، ކުރިމަތިވެދާނެ ނުރައްކާތަކުން ދުރުހެލިވުމަށް ކޮންމެހެން ބޭނުންތެރި…