EyeCare’s Community Commitment: Supporting MNU Students on Physiotherapy Day

EyeCare had taken a significant step forward to sponsor the students of the Maldives National University (MNU) who are studying physiotherapy. This sponsorship was part of EyeCare’s broader mission to contribute to the community, particularly in health-related fields, and was focused on celebrating World Physiotherapy Day, an event that highlights the importance of physiotherapy in…

EyeCare’s Initiative: Inauguration of the Water and Sewerage System in Adh. Mandhoo Island

EyeCare has taken a significant step towards improving the quality of life on Mandhoo Island. In a remarkable display of corporate social responsibility (CSR), EyeCare installed the water and sewerage system, providing clean water and efficient sewage management to the island’s residents. The project, valued at 30 million Maldivian Rufiyaa (MVR), was inaugurated on September…

އުމުރުން ދުވަސްވުމާއި ލޮލުގެ ދުޅަހެޔޮ ސިއްހަތު

މި ސެޕްޓެމްބަރު މަހު ދުނިޔޭގައި ‘ހެލްތީ އެޖިންގ’ މަސް ފާހަގަކުރާއިރު، މުސްކުޅި އާބާދީއަށް ކުރިމަތިވާ ބައެއް ގޮންޖެހުންތައް ފާހަގަކޮށްލަމާ ހިނގާށެވެ. ސިއްހީ ދުޅަހެޔޮކަމުގެ އެކި ކަންކަމުގެ ތެރެއިން ލޮލުގެ ސިއްހަތަކީ މުހިންމު ކަންބޮޑުވުމެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ބެލެވޭ ކަމެކެވެ. ލޮލުގެ ފެނުމަކީ ދިރިއުޅުމުގެ ފެންވަރާއި، ސިއްހަތު ދެނެގަތުމަށް ވަރަށް މުހިންމު އެއް ހިއްސުވެސްމެއެވެ. އުމުރުން ދުވަސްވީ މީހުންނަށް ލޮލުގެ ފެނުމަކީ ދުވަހުން ދުވަހަށް ކުރާ ކަންކަމާއި، އެހެން މީހުންނާ ގުޅުން ބަދަހިކުރުމާއި، ކުރިމަތިވެދާނެ ނުރައްކާތަކުން ދުރުހެލިވުމަށް ކޮންމެހެން ބޭނުންތެރި…

eye checkup

Vision Screening Event at Hulhumale’ Phase-2

In a concerted effort to promote community health and well-being, EyeCare collaborated with the Hulhumale’ Community Development Society (HCDS) to organize an impactful eye screening event on Friday, 25th August 2023. The event, specifically tailored for the residents of Hulhumale’ Hiya Flats, proved to be a resounding success, leaving a positive mark on the Hiya…

މަޝްހޫރު މައުއީޖިމްގެ ނަލަ އައިނުތައް އައިކެއަރ އިން ލިބެން އެބަހުރި!

އެކި މޫނުތަކުގެ ބައްޓަމާ ގުޅޭ ގޮތަށް، ފަސޭހަ ކަމާއި އެކު އަޅައިގެން އުޅެވޭ އަވިއައިނު އައިކެއަރއިން ލިބިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެއެވެ. އައިކެއަރއިން ވިއްކާ އަވި އައިނުތަކަކީ ކޮލެޓީ ރަނގަޅު ލޮލަށް ފަސޭހަ އައިނުތަކެކެވެ. މީގެތެރެއިން މަޝްހޫރު މައުއީޖިމްގެ ކިނީ ކިނީ މޮޑެލްގެ ޕޮލަރައިޒްޑް އަވިއައިނު ކަލެކްޝަން ފާހަގަ ކޮއްލެވެއެވެ.   މައުއީޖިމްގެ އަވިއައިނުގެ އެންމެ ޙާއްސަ ސިފައަކީ ސުޕަތިން ގްލާސް ލެންސްތަކެވެ. މި ލެންސްތަކަކީ ލޮލަށް ފަސޭހަ އަދި ކުލަތަކުގެ މުއްސަނދިކަން އިތުރުކޮށްދޭ ލެންސްތަކެކެވެ. ކިނީ ކިނީގެ އައިނު ތިން…

Donation of Face Masks to Combat Norovirus Spread

EyeCare, has generously donated face masks to tackle the spread of norovirus s. The company collaborated with IGMH and Villimale’ Hospitals, and health centers in various islands of Kaafu Atoll, including Dhiffushi, Hura, Gaafaru, Gulhi and Guraidhoo. Recognizing the need for personal protective equipment (PPE) to safeguard frontline healthcare workers and patients, EyeCare took proactive…

Eye exams reveal more than meets the eye.

Your eye exams? There’s more to it than meets the eye. Did you know that eye specialists can detect certain conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure just by looking at the veins visible in your eye? A close look at the blood vessels in your eye can even detect autoimmune diseases and liver disease…

‘Fahethin Ekathi’ Promotion

This is your chance to enhance your look while saving big. ‘Fahethin Ekathi’ promotion will give you the chance to choose among five incredible offers. Valid from from 24th June till 10th August 2023.   Offer 1: Up to 50% off on Frames and Sunglasses Get unbeatable discounts up to 50% off from frames and…