
In today’s scenario, where flexibility is key, remote work offers advantages and challenges. While working from home is comfortable and enhances productivity, it can also lead to issues like eyestrain and poor posture due to the informal setting. Balancing these aspects is crucial as we adapt to new work styles and prioritize our well-being.

Keep these tips in mind when working at home to reduce eyestrain and associated symptoms like headaches and dry eyes.

  1. Posture, keep it straight

Your posture and the angle from which you view your screen often times results in eyestrain, not to mention aches and strains on your back, hips, legs and knees.

The best place for you and your laptop or computer is at a desk, where you can sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Have your screen at least 18 inches away, positioned a few inches below your eye level while sitting straight. You shouldn’t have to look straight ahead or look too far below your eyeline.

  1. Glare, get rid of it

Glare on your screen can lead to eyestrain, headaches and other discomfort. It’s best to keep your screen away from direct overhead lights and windows.

You can reach us to get anti-glare coatings for your glasses.

  1. Lights, adjust them

Your lighting at home maybe less than ideal for screen work. So, you might need to adjust your lighting setup to support your eyes and screen or alternatively you may need to increase or decrease brightness of your screen to find a comfort zone that works for your eyes.

  1. Dry eyes, prevent them

Your eyes don’t blink as much as it should when you spend so much time looking at a screen, causing your eyes to feel dry. The temperature and humidity levels in your workspace also contributes to this problem. So use eyedrops, prescribed by an eye care professional and consider using a humidifier to add some moisture to your workspace and eyes.

  1. Look away!

That’s right, look away. No matter how busy you are, remember the 20-20-20 rule. To avoid eye strain, look away from your screen every 20 minutes, focus on something else that’s at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.